Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's been awhile since I've been on, and I'm happy to say that it's because I'm busy being super successful and don't have time for blogging since I'm raking my money into piles to jump in. Not true, exactly, although I have been getting a lot of orders now that I've started making books to order.

Anyway, a long, long time ago I posted about a B.E.S.T. swap I did, and I forgot to put in pictures of the book I got. So here they are:
Nice little note from the artist, Camille Riner. Find her Etsy shop here.

Now go buy your own copy!
The artist herself gave this little description of the book:
 "Winter Walk"  --  It may be March and spring in some areas of the world but at my house it is the time for the biggest snows. I made this miniature artist book to embrace the snows of March. The digital images inside the book are based on one of my original linocuts about the peace of the woods at night called, "Forest Bedroom." While the wind may be cold, it can be quite magical to walk under the moon through the trees on a snowy night. Inside the book is a poem I wrote inspired by South Dakota winters and the work of poet Robert Frost. An excerpt reads, “Breath curls from under hoods. Downy flakes melt on Cheeks. Tracks wander in the quiet whiteness.”  --Camille Riner
It's lovely!

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